Welcome back you Risky Rascals!
Today I get the pleasure of covering my first Ethereum (ETH) NFT project, Apocalyptic Apes (AAPES)! Now, some of you who have been following along with the blog may ask, “why are you covering an ETH NFT?” In my honest opinion, I truly believe that all chains should come together regardless of what crypto you use to mint/buy in order to become ONE solid NFT community. I do not think there will be mass adoption until these barriers are knocked down. I think the competition between projects is necessary for growth, but the “what chain is better” does not benefit any holder. In fact, I believe that it taints the space as a whole and gives NFTs a bad reputation!
I want to make it clear that I do not currently own an Apocalyptic Ape / Queen; however, I am looking to land one in the near future based on my initial research / due diligence. In no way should this article be considered financial advice.

Now let's dive into the creator of Apocalyptic Apes, Bored Ape Yacht Club member (PFP on the right), Bill Starkov aka Fity.eth. In real life, Fity.eth started off in the entertainment business, but the job became a chore instead of something he loved. He then switched to the real estate market where he does it all. He is the facilitator for finding the property, the contractors, and finally selling the property. It is safe to say that he knows how to run a business and has been successful in doing so.
How did Fity.eth get into the NFT space? Covid-19 was a time when everyone in the world was at a loss of what to do, business in real life was slow and he had already been established in crypto on the Binance Blockchain. He decided that he wanted to start his own project and Apocalyptic Apes was born. When I was doing my research on this project, it was amazing to see how open-minded and forward-thinking Fity is. He took the time to find the holes in each of the projects that he had already been a part of and then created his own project that filled these gaps and would be appealing to the eye of investors in this space. His ideals were based on tangibles and not based on unfathomable things such as “The Metaverse”, which no one has seen or been in (at the time of this blog). He wanted something concrete and art that the community could interact with.

I think one of the biggest things that drew me to covering Fity’s project was the fact that he had the same views on community and breaking down barriers that I mentioned above. He believes that investors are not spending X amount of ETH on a JPEG, but for the community and rapport that comes with it. I reference this to growing up playing video games and the community that I created and looked forward to talking to after school. I never had the chance to meet these individuals in person, but that community created some of the best times of my life. The NFT community is no different.
Now that I have set the scene on why ETH and why Fity.eth, it’s time to do a deep dive into this amazing project!

Apocalyptic Apes Facts:
Total Supply: 8,888 Apes (SOLD OUT)
Pre-Sale Mint: 12/12/2021
Public sale Mint: 12/15/2021
Mint Price: 0.07 ETH
Total Volume: 8,252 ETH
Current Floor Price: 0.135 ETH
Total Listed: 4%
What are Apocalyptic Apes?
These AAPES are Post Apocalypse themed NFTs that are dystopian themed traveling back in time to save the future that they are from! I have heard so many people say that these AAPES look better than the Bored Ape Yacht Club, and to be fair.. I agree. The art and detail on these AAPES are amazing. If you look into the NFT you will find something new that you didn't see before. There are lots of hidden gems and traits that make the NFT itself more valuable, but ALPHA INCOMING, not everyone knows of these. The true believers in this project know what these traits are and if you see one on the market.. they won't be there for long.
Another incentive to “APE” into this project is the breeding with the Queen AAPES via Juice. Let's dive into the facts about the AAPE Queens and what is their purpose!

Apocalyptic Queen Apes Facts:
Total Supply: 8,888 Apes (SOLD OUT)
Pre-Sale Mint: 04/22/2022
Public sale Mint: 04/28/2022
Public Mint Price: 0.06 ETH
Public Mint Price: 0.08 ETH
Total Volume: 673 ETH
Current Floor Price: 0.025ETH
Total Listed: 6%
The Queen AAPES were created by Fity.eth, and are led by a team of powerful, well-respected women within the NFT space, including Katerine Boiciuc, Jillian Valentin, and Lisa Jo. This team of women has sought to have a philanthropic approach to the WEB-3 community by reaching the female side of the industry as well as the music industry by creating 15 1/1 Queens, each of which has its own unique song. These songs have streaming royalties and other revenue streams that were featured in a recent Netflix trailer. This is what Crypto is all about, empowering people to become the best form of themself possible, no matter race, sex, or social status in the world.

Breeding is one of the big topics in this space, along with mutations, as I covered in my last blog post. For this collection, you will need a Queen AAPE and an OG AAPE along with one of the several different types of juice, including Banana Juice (6,200 total), Apocalyptic Juice (2,566 total), Krypto Juice (100), Tonic (22/ultra rare). This will engage the process of breeding and it will be based on the level of Juice that you have. The Juices were a free mint but they have a 276 ETH total volume, and a floor price of .012 ETH and only 1% of them are listed on the market. Those are crazy numbers for a free drop, in my experience. Typically, what I have seen, is that the holders will liquidate these airdrops because it is 100% profit for them. Plus, given the specific market time, these could be enough to purchase another AAPE or Queen.
I would also love to give a massive shout-out to @TheHaddy who has dropped some absolute BANGERS with this art. Some of the best in the WEB-3 space, based on my opinion! Much love fam! This space needs creative artists like yourself!

There has been a TON of information in this blog, but the final touch that I want to mention is that Fity.eth is never done building. He plans on getting tokenomics as well as many other things down the road for the project. The roadmap is just a picture because the future is not set in stone. I love that he is flexible, open, and honest with his community. Transparency is a huge incentive for me when looking at a project. I don't need you to be perfect, I need you to be honest and real with me, through the good and the bad! I can honestly say I have not found a negative to report on this project.
I hope you enjoyed the blog! If you are from the ETH community - welcome! I am a partner over at the WenMint.app and I truly believe that it will be the Facebook/LinkedIn of NFTs. This social platform is creating the best of discord, Twitter, Reddit, and all major social media platforms, tailored to NFT projects. If you are interested in getting into the NFT space, I also encourage you to listen to the best Podcast in the space WenMint Podcast! I will drop all important links below.
Important Links:
Discord: https://discord.gg/vYUjWDwtAH
OG AAPE Twitter: https://twitter.com/ApocalypticApes
Queen AAPE Twitter: https://twitter.com/AAPEQueens
Website: https://www.apocalypticapes.com
OG AAPE Secondary: https://opensea.io/collection/apocalyptic-apes
Queen AAPE Secondary: https://opensea.io/collection/queenapes
Juice Secondary: https://opensea.io/collection/apocalyptic-apes-juice
IP Rights: https://www.apocalypticapes.com/terms
I want to give a HUGE shout-out to tkon.eth who allowed me to use his beautiful collection of AAPES to showcase this amazing project! Once again, thank you for all of your support. I could do what I do without this amazing community, so much love you Risky Rascals!
Risky Rascal
I like the sincerity and precision in these words.I also saw the truth in the words and a great love for the NFT community
Always pushing out great info Risky and Searching out great Projects that all seem to have one thing in common - strong community and teams with solid and honest values.
Top notch
The Guy Fity.eth is all about the community he is building.
strong community full of lovely people .
100% recommend