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NFTs with real breeding genetic traits? --League of Lions

Foto del escritor: Zachary McCurryZachary McCurry

Welcome back you Risky Rascals!

Today I get the pleasure of covering The League of Lions CNFT project. There are many things that set this project aside from others in this space. Cardano NFT projects have attempted to start the new trend of "breeding" where they take 2 NFTs from a collection and then get a free airdrop later. The AWESOME thing about League of Lions is that they have an actual team member with a Ph.D. in genetics! Who can say that?

The next thing that stands out to me in this project is the fact that the founders are real-world businessmen who have created, operated, and sold businesses that have been successful and have learned from the mistakes that they have made from the bad calls. Big Cat (Zack) and Lion Tamer (Ian) are a team of businessmen who started off in crypto back in 2017. I think it is very intriguing to see founders who have real-world experience in how a business is supposed to run and have a degree in accounting/business finance.

The reason that I started this blog is to create a way for new investors to see what works in the space of NFTs and what does not. Being fully doxed is a plus, being a founder who is doxed and has YEARS of experience in a similar market, well, in my opinion, there is no better way to start an investment in NFTs with that type of foundation. Because, in my experience, projects are amplifications of the community that the founders created. If the founders are unstable and shaky, the community will be unstable and shaky. Builders do not build a building on a poor foundation because it will not last, that is not the case with this project!

Let's look at the facts about this project! The first thing that this project has dropped is the Tree of Life and here are the facts for it!

Tree of Life (Lifetime Pass):

  • (Whitelist Only) Mint Price: 100 ADA

  • Total Supply: 1000 NFTs

  • Future Mint Perks: Discounts on all future mint prices

  • Passive Income: Profit sharing from all secondary market sales of these Passes

  • Exclusive Access: Private Lounge, both in our server and in the upcoming Metaverse

  • 3-D Bonzi trees that will eventually be airdropped a life-size tree in the future! This tree will also be able to include in the Cardastacks metaverse!

These are the reasons why you need to land a Lifetime Pass. If that is not enough, and you are not happy with it they will buy your WL spot back for 25 ADA profit so that this spot makes you money in return a tree will go to someone who truly wants one. This buy-back system has not been seen in the CNFT space that I have seen so far! I think that it is a great incentive for WL to make a decision if they have the fiat or not!

Now, here is where things get SUPER interesting, so buckle up, hold onto your beer and let's take a deep dive into these lions! Prepare yourself for a ton of information that is exclusive to this project!

Project details:

  • Cigars: Cigars determine the passive income/rewards. Father (1 cigar) or Patriarch (2 cigars) a Lion will gain these after breeding (example is in the first image on the page).

  • Lions: Will have 1 or 2 TOL mating traits (which are random) where this trait (will be located on the Lion and will be replaced with a cigar) will indicate which breeding season has been completed.

  • Roses: Roses determine the passive income/rewards. Mother (1 rose) or Matriarch (2 roses) a Lioness will gain these after breeding.

  • Lioness: will have 1 or 2 TOL mating traits (which are random) where this trait (will be located on the Lioness and will be replaced with a rose) will indicate which breeding season has been completed.

  • Breeding pairs: Will have 1-3 cubs in a season and will be randomly minted.

  • Cubs: Lion cubs will have authentically generated genetic traits passed down from each parent, these will be scientifically formulated by Dr. Lion (Ph.D.), who is a Geneticist and professor.

Now, looking at all of this information, Lions/Lionesses will have classes. It will be up to you to build the ultimate bloodline that will determine the amount of passive income that will be awarded the higher up your bloodline is. You will be rewarded in the native token $CLAWS. This token will be used to play games, grow, and support your Lions as you progress through the games and interact in the League.

Creating your own league is something that I think is AWESOME! You can be the true head and leader of the family. This is where the "purebloods" are going to come into effect! Like any powerful family in the world, you want to be the ALPHA of them all. The same goes with these bloodlines!

It is important to know that this project has a ton of potential and the founders are not rushing through it. There will be many revisions and addendums to the current whitepaper to ensure the best possible outcome for the holders. You will not find a more detailed and more defined whitepaper anywhere else, trust me, I have read a ton of them!

I have covered a TON of information and to be honest.. I just scratched the surface of the sophistication in this project. It is clear. Well organized. Detailed. The direction of the project is funded by these founders who are not looking for a cash grab. I believe in this project and the direction that the team is heading!

Passive income is something that this team has made a career in, they are trying to employ this to their investors! It is important to understand a business before starting one and not learn on the fly like most projects out there today!

They also have another form of passive income partnership with VAULT where you can stake crypto and earn returns from that as well. There is so much information that I highly encourage you to go read the whitepaper yourself and look at the possibilities! I will drop the info for this down in the links!

If you are looking for project that is truly innovative and back by founders who have real world experience in business and finance, look no further. The proof is in the work that they have already provided and they have met every goal/item on their roadmap so far. This is a long term investment so please understand that before getting in. This is not a project to flip to make money. Passive income will come in due time from holding. This project is still early enough to get in and reap the rewards. Please do your own research!


Thank you Risky Rascals for tuning into today's blog! Thank you for the love and support you have all given me! I am trying to better the space by bringing GREAT projects to start investments to prevent rugs. I am using the knowledge that I have gained through my experience in the past 9 months! Here is to us, here is to the WAGMI mentality!


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